The Generate Tuesday group worked together to create this poem about their hopes for 2021. They hope you enjoy it!
So far its cold and rainy
But we want plenty sun
2020 was a wipeout
Let’s hope for a better 2021
2020 was a a tough year
But in the end we got it done.
Yes last year was tough
We want life back normal again
We want less worry in a hurry
And we want to see our friends.
A chance to work
A chance to rest
A chance for holiday
A chance to pass
Our driving test
And see our football team play
A chance to go and see some place
A chance to dance to drum and bass
A chance to see my partners face
And brighten up a public space.
I’m happy for my family
I’m happy to play sports
I’m happy for my brand new job
And cutting furlough short.
I’m happy for the roof above
My head that keeps me dry
I’m happy I’m a DJ
And have music in my life
2020 was emotional
But we’re still standing here
So let’s see in 2021
With a massive cheer
We started off this poem
With rain and with bad weather
But 2020 is the same
Nothing bad can last forever.
Written by Benjamin, Michelle, Tony, Justin, Paul, Luis, Tyrone, David, and David.